Would Michael Faraday Have Bought Cheap Car Insurance?
Michael Faraday was a brilliant scientist who made many discoveries that have been important in the field of physics. He is particularly famous for his work involving electromagnetic fields, and specifically the discovery of the principle of induction. This article will focus on one particular aspect of his life: Did Michael Faraday buy cheap car insurance? The answer to this question may surprise you. If you think that famous scientists should be able to get great deals on anything, it might shock you to learn that Michael Faraday probably wouldn't have qualified for cheap car insurance at any company. If you want to find out more about why this is true, read on!
Why Didn't Faraday Have Cheap Car Insurance?
Faraday was an incredible scientist, and one of his discoveries was the principle of induction. This principle fundamentally changed the way that people saw electricity and magnetic fields. Faraday discovered that if you move a magnet in the vicinity of a wire, you can create an electric current in that wire. This is a discovery that's still being used by scientists today.
However, what has this got to do with cheap car insurance?
Would Michael Faraday Have Qualified For Cheap Short Term Car Insurance?
Faraday's discoveries were incredibly important to modern science, but that doesn't mean that he would have qualified for cheap car insurance. Faraday's fame actually might have made it harder for him to qualify for cheap car insurance. Insurance companies often look at a person's driving history to decide how much to charge them for their insurance. Faraday didn't have a long history of driving, since he died in 1867, and it was 9 years before the car was officially invented by Carl Benz, so he rarely ever (in fact never) got into car accidents. That is just as well, since carinsurancefor1day.co.uk wasn't invented for another century!
Unfortunately, that was actually a problem for him, because he couldn't have showed that he was a more careful driver and not likely to get into accidents in the future.
Faraday's history actually showed that he wasn't likely to have any kind of accident at all, so car insurers might have assumed that he might be so cautious that he wouldn't be able to react quickly if someone else caused an accident.
What Would Michael Fraday Have Thought Of Short Term Car Insurance?
Thankfully, we don't need to speculate too much on this one, as Faraday wrote an essay on what he would do if he were to start over again. In his essay, titled “The Begin Again,” Faraday suggests that if he were to start his life over again, he would be more careful with his money, be more selective about his pleasures, and would be more generous.
Faraday would likely have been cautious about insurance and car insurance in particular. If he had been offered cheap car insurance, he might have been too cautious about it and might not have bought it. He might have worried that the cheap car insurance was too good to be true, or that there was some sort of catch.
Faraday might have been more careful with his money, given the fact that he grew up in the early 19th century and the fact that he had a relatively modest upbringing.
What have The Induction Coil And Cheap Car Insurance Got In Common?
The induction coil and cheap car insurance both involve a certain kind of idea. An induction coil is a device that you can use to generate a strong electrical current. And cheap car insurance is a promise from an insurance company to charge a lower price than they normally do.
These two things are similar in two different ways. First of all, both of them rely on the same principle. An induction coil uses the principle of induction to generate a current that's much larger than a normal current. Cheap car insurance relies on the principle of induction to charge a lower price than would normally be appropriate.
Final Words: Would Michael Faraday Buy Cheap Car Insurance?
Despite the fact that Faraday was one of the most brilliant scientists in history, his driving record was relatively unimpressive; in fact non existent. It's likely that Faraday would have had to pay a high price for car insurance, even if he could have found an insurance company that was willing to sell it to him.
Faraday's discoveries were extremely important and they have had a profound effect on modern science. Unfortunately, they aren't likely to have had any impact on cheap car insurance. If you want to get a good deal on car insurance, you need to be willing and able to actually drive a car, which he couldn't do because they didn't exist.
You might be surprised at how many famous scientists of the 18th and 19th Centuries would have had bad driving records had they been born 200 years later. You need to drive carefully and avoid dangerous situations. Faraday was a brilliant scientist, but he definitely wasn't the kind of driver who would get cheap car insurance.
But On A More Serious Note ...
I read on a website the other day that Michael Faraday invented electricity and magnetism. like many other websites on the Internet, unfortunately, the writer didn't have a clue about the subject. You could no sooner invent electricity and magnetism than you could invent gravity or the weather.
These are all part of the natural order of things, which is why Faraday put so much time and effort into studying them as well as numerous other subjects. His strong religious belief that God created everything in the universe according to a common plan gave him the enthusiasm to put intense efforts into his works of discovery, and an intense love of experimentation.
His family
He was born into a family which, although not actually starving, was hardly rich and food was sometimes hard to come by. His father was a blacksmith and after he died his mother was obliged to take in lodgers in order to help pay the bills and so Faraday's education at a church school was rudimentary to say the least. However his parents were members of a small religious sect called the Sandemanians, and their teachings influenced him strongly the rest of his life.
The Sandemanians
The Sandemanians believed that the only authority was the word of Christ. This meant that churches were unnecessary and a weekly communion and Sunday feast – at which attendance was mandatory for every member – was part of their routine. This brought them into conflict with the Anglican Church and it is a measure of Faraday's popularity that he was not only able to work alongside prominent Anglicans but also bishops amicably. It did affect him socially however - he refused to set foot in an Anglican church despite many invitations to attend services from people in high positions, including royalty.
His character
If he had a characteristic which was the most important to him however it was his inquisitiveness; he wanted to understand nature, since he was certain that all the natural laws were ordained by God. Perhaps the first sign of this was when he watched, as a child, a canal being dug; shortly afterwards there was not only an iron barge floating on it, but the barge was full of heavy goods as well! Surely iron could not float! He began to experiment with all sorts of different objects such as bottles and metal pots and he reckoned that this is where his zeal for experimentation began.
His education and first job
Since his education was so relatively meagre his first employment was as a general errand boy in a London bookshop. this was not simply a shop which sold books but they also were involved in publishing and book binding. By the time he was 14 years of age he was taken on as an apprentice.
This was quite possibly the making of him. He devoured knowledge from the books, not only on scientific subjects but also on self-improvement. He learnt about the art of letter writing and organising self help circles. These were going to prove very valuable lessons when he was to make his mark as a lecturer later on.
His first experience of lectures
Books are a good way of absorbing knowledge but a much better way is listening to a teacher who can explain matters more deeply, answer questions and show exhibits. It was not long before Faraday was regularly attending lectures on, mainly, scientific matters given by a gentleman named John Tatum and he kept copious notes on these. His employer noticed this and showed the notes to a regular customer; this gentleman, William Dance, who was proprietor of the Royal Institution, was impressed and gave Faraday tickets to four lectures to be held by the Professor of chemistry, Humphry Davy.